Get Involved.
Every week Open Door Church relies on over 100 volunteers to keep things going at all three of our campuses - Edenton, Bertie and online.
If you’d like to get involved, the first step is to become a member through our Growth Track classes. Growth Track takes place monthly at both campuses and will introduce you to the church, learn about your spiritual gifts and personality and find a place that you’d like to be involved in the church. There is someplace for everyone, from greeting at the front door to behind the scenes in the tech booth.
Register for Growth Track on Church Center to start the process.
Where can I help?
The Worship Team
Lead the congregation into worship every Sunday, helping start each service in the presence of God. Talented musicians and vocalists are always needed.
The Media Team
Behind the scenes to make Sundays seamless. From running the slides on the computer to directing the live stream seen worldwide, there is a place on the media team for you.
Kids and Youth
Whether you want to help comfort babies in the nursery or work with teenagers through some of the challenges that come with that age, our support to families is key. All volunteers with children and teenagers must pass a background check.
Ushers and Greeters
Be the friendly face at the door as an usher or greeter as people come to church on a Sunday morning.
The Cafe
Our Brew 2 Rescue Cafe sells coffee, soda, and snacks at the Edenton Campus. All profits go to fight human trafficking.
Beyond Sunday Morning
Monthly food distributions, Celebrate Recovery, the prayer team, mission trips - there are more ways to get involved during the week at Open Door Church.